The fastest and most effective cure for prostatitis

effective drugs for prostatitis

Today, prostatitis is one of the most common male diseases. This is not surprising. No representative of the stronger sex is immune from its development. Pain, discomfort, problems with potency and urination - this is a small part of what threatens patients.

Is there a cure for prostatitis, a fast-acting drug? What are the effective drugs for this disease offered by the pharmaceutical industry? How to choose the best cure for prostatitis? Let’s try to address these issues. And let's start with why prostatitis appears.

Reasons for developing the disease

Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate, accompanied by inflammation.

As a rule, the causes of the development of the disease are:

  • bacterial infections;
  • allergic reactions;
  • immune system failures, accompanied by decreased immunity;
  • prolonged exposure to cold, stressful situations, unhealthy diet;
  • hormonal changes;
  • circulatory disorders in the organ, which are the result of certain diseases, for example, ischemic heart disease or atherosclerosis;
  • prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • intentionally prolonging a relationship.

Prostatitis Medications

It is quite natural that the question of which is the most effective remedy for prostatitis in men worries everyone who faces this disease. However, there is no definitive answer to this. This is explained by the fact that the disease can develop under the influence of many facts, and therefore no pill against prostatitis simply does not exist.

The treatment of prostatitis is conventionally divided into three directions, complementary to each other and includes:

  • etiotropic therapy;
  • pathogenetic therapy;
  • symptomatic therapy.

Consider these instructions in more detail and analyze the most effective ones for prostatitis.

Etiotropic therapy

Etiotropic therapy allows you to eliminate the cause of the disease. The development of prostatitis, as a rule, is associated with bacteria, and therefore in this case are mainly used antibiotics, prescribed by a doctor, depending on the clinical picture.

Pathogenetic therapy

Pathogenetic therapy complements etiotropic therapy, in case the means against prostatitis are obviously insufficient. For this purpose, the following can be used in this case:

  • alpha-blockers;
  • bioregulatory peptides;
  • herbal products;
  • means they improve blood circulation.

Symptomatic therapy

Symptomatic treatment allows you to eliminate the symptoms of a disease that causes discomfort to the patient. The vast majority of drugs in this group belong to the category of fast-acting, and are therefore mistakenly considered the best.

Medications of this type include:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with analgesic and antipyretic effects;
  • hormonal preparations;
  • antispasmodics;
  • sedatives that have a relaxing, sedative and somewhat analgesic effect.

Attention!Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in the treatment of prostatitis is unacceptable.

Microenemas, instillations and suppositories

In addition to pills and injections, the following are prescribed for prostatitis:

  • instillations (fillings) - procedures that involve pouring a particular drug into the opening of the urethra (the procedure is performed by a urologist, and the amount of drug that is poured, as a rule, does not exceed 5 ml);
  • microclysters;
  • candles.

Traditional medicine

In the vast majority of cases, traditional medicine is an excellent addition to medications prescribed by a urologist.

In this case, the following recipes are usually used:

  • Recipe 1.A kilogram of raw sunflower seeds is peeled, crushed, mixed with two hundred grams of honey, rolled into balls and placed in the refrigerator. When treating prostatitis, take one or two balls three times a day.
  • Recipe 2.Forty grams of propolis is poured with two hundred milliliters of rubbing alcohol. One tenth of the obtained extract is mixed with two grams of cocoa. A candle is formed from the resulting mixture, which is then used rectally.

In addition, parsley root, hemlock, celandine, asparagus and black elderberry juice are used in the treatment of prostatitis.

Attention!Before using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

Despite the fact that it is easy enough to find a fast-acting cure for prostatitis (cheap drugs designed to treat symptoms that are painful for the patient), the doctor should prescribe treatment. Only he will be able to determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the most effective therapeutic regimen.