The best medication for prostatitis in men: list and recommendations

To select a single best cure for prostatitis, which would have removed disease in all men is extremely difficult. Medicines from prostatitis vary in price and effectiveness of treatment. Consider the most effective cure for prostatitis and discuss the basic points that need attention in their selection.

medicines from prostatitis

In medical practice there is a tendency to "rejuvenation" chronic infections of the urogenital system in men: if the second half of the twentieth century prostatitis were mainly found in patients older than 55-60 years, today it is the disease often diagnosed in men younger than forty. The cause of impaired immunity, chronic diseases, STDs, long sexual abstinence, etc. luckily, pharmacology offers a lot of effective drugs for the treatment of this disease. Today treatment of prostatitis in men: medications, General activities and alternative means – let us examine the most effective.

What you need to know about prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland is a small organ of the male reproductive system, located below the urethra. Produced by on the secret involved in the preparation of the ejaculate and its saturation with nutrients. Inflammation of the prostate is dangerous not only for its symptoms – intoxication, pain in the abdomen, difficulty in urination, but threatening complication is acute urinary retention, which requires urgent surgical intervention.

Classification of drugs for treatment of prostatitis

All medications used for the treatment of prostatitis in men can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Antibiotics antibiotics to combat the main cause of disease infection;
  2. Pathogenic means – suppress the inflammation of the prostate and reduce congestion in the body;
  3. Symptomatic medications – are struggling with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Effective the pills will only in the complex treatment of diseases, as drugs for the treatment of prostatitis men must not only fight the symptoms but also eliminate its symptoms.

Antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis

Use of antibiotics – the mainstay of treatment of bacterial inflammation of the prostate gland. What drugs are used for treatment of prostatitis?

In acute inflammation of the prostate gland, which is accompanied by pronounced symptoms of intoxication, urinary retention and severe pain, antibiotics are preferably administered intravenously. In chronic prostatitis used pills. The course of treatment an average of 10-14 days in the acute form of the disease and 7-10 days for chronic.

Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy

One of the classic manifestations of prostatitis is causes the smooth muscles of the small pelvis and the violation of the outflow of urine. Swollen and inflamed prostate gland has more pressure on the urethra, and the patient has great difficulty in emptying the bladder. You can fight it with the help of modern drugs.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are prescribed to resolve swelling, redness and pain. They are divided into two groups: steroid and non-steroid.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Usually in the standard algorithm for the treatment of patients with prostatitis are applied nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have high efficiency and minimum side effects.

Hormonal (steroid) funds

The ineffectiveness of treatment NSAIDs doctors are forced to resort to the treatment of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. To relieve acute inflammation applies:

Please note! Steroid medication from prostatitis have a pronounced ability to suppress the immune system, therefore are not assigned in HIV and other immunodeficiencies.

Local anti-inflammatory drugs

The most effective anti-inflammatory and pain medication for prostatitis in the form of rectal suppositories.

Herbal medicine in the treatment of prostatitis

Anti-inflammatory activity in prostatitis have infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants:

  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • tansy;
  • series;
  • wormwood;
  • the celandine;
  • hop cones.

Effective results in the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis in men can only be achieved by a simultaneous intake of drugs for etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment. Don't forget about non-drug methods of treating disease: nutrition, physical activity, physiotherapeutic procedures, and massage the prostate. An integrated approach will help to forget about the pain, discomfort and difficult urination.